“Train up a child in the way they should go: when they are old, they will not depart from it”
— Proverbs 22:6
Welcome to OCA

What a privilege we have at Ottawa Christian Academy to serve the Lord, Jesus Christ by offering a Christian education to the local community in & around Ottawa, IL. When a parent & school work together, as a Christ–centered team, we can accomplish great things that will impact His kingdom here on earth in the life of the child. We believe offering a quality education to children, based upon a Biblical foundation within a Christian environment, is the most rewarding ministry anyone could ever be associated with today.
Debra Wenger, Founder
Thursday Bible Study
Our Mission:
We Pray...​​
That the student may find Christ as his Savior and cultivate a relationship with Him through prayer and the study of God’s Word, thus becoming a committed ambassador for Christ in today’s modern world.
That the student will be inspired to become a lifelong learner; applying the skills, critical thinking, and technological advances in his quest for knowledge and wisdom
That the student will, out of his love for Jesus Christ, generate a Godly love and compassion for all humanity; showing concern, respect, and kindness to all.
That the student will understand God’s order of government and will assume his scriptural place in the traditional family, the school, and society.
That the student will acquire a Biblical work ethic in his educational pursuits and all his endeavors, be they current or towards future responsibilities.
That the student will be prepared to meet the challenges of continued education by mastering effective study habits, becoming an ardent reader, securing a solid historical, mathematical and scientific foundation, obtaining healthy social skills, maintaining healthy, moral recreational activities and physical well-being to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

It is so refreshing to walk through OCA and hear the teachers praying with the students; or even more, hearing the students pray and sing songs that lift up our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our family had been wanting to come to this school for a few years and we felt so blessed when God opened the door for us to be able to. The teachers and staff here are wonderful ladies [and gentlemen] lead by the Lord! -McG
If you have a child consider Ottawa Christian Academy where your child will soar in Academics as well as learning about Jesus and will be able to pray in school…. Your child will be Blessed as well as You!!! -SH
Truly a unique atmosphere for both students and staff. Students are learning to succeed not learning to get by. -JB
This school is very good. It has the hardest working teachers/staff. -JR
This school year we made a big change for our family. We took our kids out of public school and enrolled them in Ottawa Christian Academy (near Allen Park). This is the best decision my husband and I have made for our children’s future. -MA